Halloween 2009 - Cylon Jackolantern
Author Name • November 1, 2009 11:47 PM
Historically I am not much into participating in Halloween festivities, mainly because I can never come up with a great idea for a costume. Maybe next year that will change. This year, however, I did come across a site in my Google Reader (I don't remember which blog was the original source) that included a video blog from MAKE Magazine about making a cylon jackolantern.
Here's the original MAKE video post about it:
There's a link on that page to Evil Mad Scientist Labs where they sell a basic Larson Scanner kit in their store, and that is the one I used in my jackolantern. Next year I might order the parts separately and take an even more DIY approach (perhaps even etching my own circuit board). This basic kit was a fun little project and it let me exercise some soldering skills. Take a look at how my final product turned out below.
And see him in action! This video is probably a bit too long, but it's only 20 seconds and I didn't feel like editing it.